At present, the “international” side of the Centre de ressources Robert Laplane’s activities is made up of:
- The various European projects we run or participate in
- The current affairs of the Réseau francophone en déficience sensorielle et du langage (Francophone Network on sensory and language impairment), with whom we have had close ties for a number of years.
We are considering rounding off this content in the very near future, with the creation of a page dedicated to our response to the “Commission des questions européenes et internationales, application des conventions” (“Commission on European and international issues and the implementation of conventions”), part of the Conseil national consultatif des personnes handicapées (National disabled persons advisory body, CNCPH).
In fact, the GAPAS, managing organisation of the Centre de ressources Robert Laplane since 2019, is a member of the CNCPH for the 2020-2023 mandate. Claire Davalo, Manager of the Centre Robert Laplane, has been chosen by the GAPAS’ to represent them within this commission.
“International and European matters are, like the world itself, very large. Directly or indirectly, they concern every member of the CNCPH and involve numerous national and international institutions and non-profit organisations. The uniting factor among all these entities is the CRPD – the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – which CNCPH members are encouraged to read, in order to improve their application of it. The European Union is producing a legislatory framework for this, whose transposition of the Convention should be monitored and invested in by debating a number of its aspects.”
Jean-Luc Simon, Vice-President of the CNCPH, Head of the Commission Questions européennes et internationales, application des conventions