Supporting disabled children and adults in their citizenship, every day of the year
The GAPAS offers various forms of support for children and adults in positions of disability through the management of 27 social and medico-social establishments and services. The GAPAS is a non-profit organisation, as defined by the 1901 non-profit organisations Act, certified as an Entreprise Solidaire d’Utilité Sociale (Social enterprise in the public interest, ESUS). The organisation’s activities revolve around the citizenship of people with disabilities. It works to allow them self-determination and deliver a guided response for all. Its expertise is based around: care and support for complex disabilities, inclusive accommodation and independent living, self-determination, educational inclusion, and work and occupational integration.
Its establishments are based in Nord (18 in the Lille urban area), Pas-de-Calais (2 establishments), Essonne (5 establishments), Paris (1 establishment) and Seine-Saint-Denis (1 establishment).
The GAPAS has 4 partner organisations: Art et Éducation (Art and Education), La vie, autrement (Life, in another way), the Association nationale des Parents d’Enfants Aveugles (National association of parents of blind children, ANPEA) and the Association Île-de-France pour le Développement de l’Éducation et la Recherche sur l’Autisme dans l’Essonne (Greater Paris region association for the development of education and research on autism in Essonne, AIDERA Essonne)
Manager of 2 rare disability national resource centres
Since the 1st of January 2019, the GAPAS has been the managing organisation of the Centre national de ressources Robert Laplane. It therefore includes 2 of the 4 CNRHR in France, including the Centre La Pépinière dedicated to severe visual impairments and associated disorders.
Values at the heart of its actions and engagements
The GAPAS defends:
- everyone’s right to independence and dignity
- the right to education, culture, health, knowledge, etc. and the right to be a citizen
- the solidarity and social involvement behind its activities aiming to transform society and overturn established norms
- the ability to serve the public interest without renouncing your free choice
the idea of a necessary utopia, leading you to surpass your limits in order innovate and reinvent