To accrue expertise on the kinds of instances of disability it has been consulted on since its creation, the Centre national de ressources Robert Laplane team has, bit by bit, put in place a process of clinical observation and investigation.
The examination of case studies, their analysis, and the contrasting of observations made against the scientific data available has allowed the construction of new knowledge bases. The rise of neuropsychology and the neurosciences, and recent data from developmental psychology and psychopathology, constitute an important driving force in this process. From the outset, the Centre Robert Laplane professionals have been committed to enriching their work and expertise through this knowledge.
Today, the multidisciplinary team is working on developing a number of processes:
- A functional assessment process: to improve understanding of each young person’s difficulties, to identify their skills, and to take into account their motivations, in order to co-construct an intervention strategy alongside all the relevant stakeholders
- An approach “for access to meaning and language”: anchored on the principle of reciprocal trust, a mutual recognition taking into account the credit we should afford the child or adult, in that they have something to say and share with us
- Adapted pedagogical approaches according to skills.