Children with complex language disorders (troubles complexes du langage, TCL) associated with other impairments or pathologies
This classification refers to non-deaf children who present a developmental language disorder among other symptoms or complex pathological signs observed by care professionals: we refer to this as a “complex clinical picture”. Due to the presence of other conditions and/or various acute or chronic disorders on top of the language disorder, these children can be excluded from the criteria of dysphasia. The diagnoses put forth – autism spectrum disorders or intellectual impairment – are questionable to professionals, and do not offer enough clarity to construct appropriate support projects, adapted to the needs of these children.
In addition, as for children with dysphasia, these children’s language disorders stand in contrast with their relational aptitude. It’s the care professionals or the child’s entourage who notice these abilities. These people, whether deaf or hearing, have the common trait of significant communication difficulties. They can thus find themselves isolated, excluded, and in significant physical pain, due to the lack of training among the people around them, and to the lack of places appropriate to their disability within institutions for adults.
One of the purposes of the Centre Robert Laplane for these children or young people is to better understand their needs in order to help the professionals around them in their search for a way forward and for appropriate solutions.